Scholarships and grants can significantly reduce the cost of college attendance. Unlike loans, neither scholarships nor grants have to be repaid! Often, scholarships come from private sources, but you may be eligible for some scholarships from your state too. This post will share all you need to know about scholarships and grants available to students from the Empire State.
Scholarships for all New York residents:
New York State HESC Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)
Award Amount: Up to $5,165
Application Deadline: June 30, 2019
The Tuition Assistance Program is a grant available for full-time students who are residents of New York state and attending an in-state school (click here for a list of eligible schools). For the purposes of the program, a resident is defined as someone who has lived in the state of New York continuously for the past 12 months. Students can access the TAP application directly from the FAFSA. Some income limits apply: $10,000 for independent, single students with no dependents; $40,000 for independent students who are married but have no other dependents; and $80,000 for dependent students, independent students who claim dependents on their taxes (both single and married), foster children, wards of the court, and orphans. This guide can help you determine whether you are an independent or dependent student.
New York State HESC Part-Time Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)
Award Amount: Varies
Application Deadline: June 30, 2019
Similar to the grant described above, Part-Time TAP is a grant available for part-time students who are residents of New York state and attending an in-state school (click here for a list of eligible schools). Again, to qualify as a resident, a student must have continuously lived in the state of New York for the previous 12 months. The TAP application is available when students fill out the FAFSA. Students must meet the requirements for TAP described above. Additionally, applicants must have completed at least 12 credit hours in each of the two previous semesters to qualify.
New York State HESC Aid for Part-Time Study Program (APTS)
Award Amount: Up to $2,000
Application Deadline: June 30, 2019
APTS is a grant available for part-time students who are residents of New York state and who attend an in-state school. Students must be taking at least three, but fewer than 12, credit hours per semester (or between four and eight credit hours per trimester) to be eligible. Income requirements apply: The total family income cut-off is $50,550 for students who can be claimed as dependents and for independent students who have dependents, and $34,250 for independent students with no dependents. The income limit includes spouse’s income (if married), as well as parents’ incomes (if the student is a dependent). This guide can help you determine which category you fall under. Applications are available on-campus; visit your school’s financial aid office. Funds are limited and distributed on a first-come, first-served basis, so apply as soon as possible.
New York State HESC Enhanced Tuition Awards Program
Award Amount: $6,000 (including TAP and school matching funds)
This award is specifically for students who are residents of New York state and attending a private college in New York on a full-time basis. The award is given in addition to TAP, and the college is required to match the award amount in addition to freezing the student’s tuition cost for the duration of their degree. Freezing the student’s tuition cost is a unique bonus that makes this award especially valuable. Typically, colleges raise tuition rates every few years, which is reflect in a student’s bill. However, recipients of this award are guaranteed the same tuition rate each year until they graduate, which saves them money! Be on the lookout for the 2019 application on the program website.
Award Amount: Up to $5,000
The Excelsior Scholarship is available to students who are residents of New York state and who are enrolled in an undergraduate program at a SUNY or CUNY college. There are several stipulations to this award. Each student must complete at least 12 credit hours per semester, and 30 credit hours per year that the award is received. Additionally, after graduation students must reside and work in New York state for one year for each year that they receive an Excelsior Scholarship award. Although these requirements seem strict, the income limit to remain eligible for the Excelsior Scholarship is much higher than many other scholarships at $110,000. Keep an eye out for the 2019 application on the program website.
New York State Part-Time Scholarship (PTS) Award Program
Award Amount: $1,500 per semester for two years
The PTS award is available to students who are attending a SUNY or CUNY community college part-time, provided they maintain a 2.0 GPA each semester. Students must enroll in at least six credits each semester, but cannot enroll for a full class load. This award can be received in addition to the Part-Time TAP or APTS awards listed above. Check the program website regularly; the 2019 application should be available soon!
Privately funded scholarships for New York residents:
Ascend Educational Fund Scholarship
Award Amount: Up to $20,000
Application Deadline: February 1, 2019
Letter of Recommendation: Yes
Essay: Yes
This scholarship is given to a high school senior who is a resident of New York City and is either an immigrant or the child of immigrants. If the student is the child of immigrants, both parents must have been born outside of the United States for the student to qualify for this scholarship. Two letters of recommendation and two essays are required. Recipients are chosen based on many qualities, including work ethic, resourcefulness, academic merit, leadership, and community involvement.
The Eye-Bank of New York Young Ambassador Scholarship
Award Amount: $3,000
Application Deadline: May 15, 2019
Essay: Yes
This scholarship was created in the memory of Christopher Nordquist, a young boy who died at the age of two and donated both of his corneas to individuals in need of organ donation. Students who live in New York City; Long Island; or in Orange, Putnam, Rockland, or Westchester County and who are less than 25 years old can apply for this scholarship. Students must be enrolled at a two- or four-year institution and plan to use the award to continue their education. In addition to an essay describing the student’s participation in raising awareness about organ donation, students must also provide their transcripts and two references.
New England Society Scholarship
Award Amount: Up to $25,000
Application Deadline: June 2019
This award is open to students who are residents of New York City, and who will be attending college in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, or Vermont. The scholarship is distributed over four years, and is awarded based on merit and financial need. Finalists must be available for an interview in July.
New York Farm Bureau Agricultural Youth Scholarship
Award Amount: Up to $1,500
Application Deadline: March 1, 2019
Essay: Yes
Graduating high school seniors who are interested in continuing their education to pursue a career connected to farm or agriculture work may be interested in this scholarship opportunity. Three awards (ranging from $1,000 to $1,500) will be given to students based on their applications, which should address their farm experience, involvement in agricultural activities, inspiration for pursuing a career in agriculture, and a 300- to 500-word essay addressing an “issue facing agriculture in your county.”
These are only a sampling of the many scholarships available to students in the state of New York. Many other awards are available for students in specific situations, such as those who are pursuing a STEM career, those who are studying to become educators, and those who are the children of public servants. It is always a good idea to explore what is available to your unique situation. Click here to see a longer list of scholarships available for New York residents, and consider doing some searching of your own!
Scholarships for Students from Washington
Scholarships for Students from Illinois
Scholarships for LGBT+ Students
Scholarships for Students from North Carolina
Scholarships for American Indians and Alaska Natives
Scholarships for Students from Pennsylvania
Scholarships for Students from California
Scholarships for First-Generation College Students
Scholarships for Students from Ohio
Scholarships for Students from Michigan