Monthly Archives: April 2018

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre College y University?
Al revisar vocabulario educativo con mis alumnos, claramente siempre surgen palabras tales como university, college, undergraduate, school, curriculum y demás. Las traducciones muchas veces suelen traer a confusión su correcta definición y como traductor de nuestra página web, me he dado cuenta de cuán diferentes nuestros sistemas educativos pueden llegar […]

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre College y University?

How to Be a Good Wedding Guest
Chances are, at some point in your life, you’ll be invited to a wedding. My first personal invitation came when I was a junior in college (the bride was 21) and since then, the invitations haven’t stopped coming. This year alone, I’ll be attending six weddings. That I have so […]

How to Be a Good Wedding Guest

How to Conserve Energy in Your Dorm Room
Earth Day is a day for us to focus on protecting and improving our planet. One way that we can help Mother Earth is to use less energy; this decreases the amount of pollution entering the environment and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. Pollutants (including greenhouse gases) harm the environment by […]

How to Conserve Energy in Your Dorm Room

Adam Daniels' College Story
Adam Daniels graduated from high school without feeling much sense of achievement; going to college had always been expected of him, so there wasn’t much exciting about actually finishing high school. That missing sense of achievement came later, when he graduated from the University of Kentucky after studying finance and management, the University […]

My College Story: Feeling Accomplished after Earning Three Degrees