Navigating your college campus isn’t always simple, especially since there’s so much more to the college experience than academics. We’ve created this section to help you find answers to anything that comes up about student life, from learning the symptoms of mononucleosis to deciding whether you should get a pet. These posts cover common questions about student health and wellness, weekend culture and recreation, cheap ways to celebrate all the big holidays, love and interpersonal relationships, and housing.

Note: This post was submitted to Student Caffé by Keilah Keiser. We would like to thank her for her submission and credit her as the author of this blog post. For many people, living off-grid has a tendency to evoke a Wild West imagery of end-of-the-world preppers stocking up on […]
Off-Grid Living: An Introduction to Sustainable Communities in the U.S.

Note: This post was submitted to Student Caffé by Katie Tu. We would like to thank her for her submission and credit her as the author of this blog post. Many teenagers look forward to learning to drive and having their own car. As great as it is for them […]
Six Tips to Help You Save on Teen Car Insurance

Hay varias maneras de despertar. Si eres joven, tienes fresco el recuerdo de haber sido despertado por tus padres para ir a la escuela durante la primaria o secundaria; y si eres madre o padre con hijos en edad escolar, tienes práctica en despertarlos y bien sabrás cómo reaccionan. Cada […]
¿Dónde está tu motivación al despertar?

There are lots of areas within your life that can cause undue amounts of stress: school, your social life, family, work… But while some stress for short periods is normal, stress that continues can have an adverse effect on your performance in school or at your job, or on your […]
How to Avoid Burnout in All Areas of Your Life

Note: This post was submitted to Student Caffé by Lauren McKinnie. Lauren is a contributing writer and media associate for Allied Van Lines. She regularly produces content for a variety of travel and moving blogs. We would like to thank her for her submission and credit her as the author of […]
10 Tips to Help You Move Across the Country for College

Note: This post was submitted to Student Caffé by Sam Casteris. Sam Casteris is an avid traveler, a lifelong lover of education, and a strong proponent of financial literacy. She is a regular contributor to Transfer Ways and Fresh U, where she writes tips for students and student transfers. Follow […]
How Learning About Sustainable Business Has Changed the Way I Live

Note: This post was submitted to Student Caffé by Holly Welles. Holly is a recent college grad who uses her writing skills to help other young professionals figure out finances and the real estate market. You can find more of her advice on her blog, The Estate Update. We would like […]
Five Strategies for Finding the Perfect Off-Campus Apartment Fast

Al ingresar a la universidad, tu rutina se vuelve ardua ya que aparecen cientos de deberes entre reuniones, tareas, turnos médicos, trámites bancarios, clases de entrenamiento funcional y demás. Ingresas al mundo adulto, no hay vuelta atrás. Desde ese punto, podrás elegir ser un jóven adulto organizado y proyectado; solo […]
¿Cómo llevar una agenda te puede cambiar la vida?

If you have a seizure disorder, you’ve likely known since you were a child. However, when you head to college you may find yourself meeting new people (friends, roommates, or classmates) with this condition. Find out what you need to know in order to keep everyone safe. What is a […]
Seizures and Seizure Disorders

Counseling, also referred to as talk therapy, is just what the name implies: a type of therapy during which you talk about your problems, emotions, and relationships. While there is a huge stigma around mental health in the United States and around the world, counseling isn’t just for people who […]
Why Everyone Should Get Counseling at Least Once in Their Life

Note: This post was submitted to Student Caffé by Nathan Barber of QuoteWizard. We would like to thank him for his submission and credit him as the author of this blog post. Heading to college is a stressful—yet exciting—time, and often the last thing on a student’s mind is their health […]
Health Insurance and College Students

With phones and tablets a part of our everyday lives, there’s an app for nearly everything. Although you probably have apps for social media, games, and your favorite stores, you may not have considered downloading any apps to help you out while you’re in college. From school-sponsored apps to apps […]