Love and Relationships

When you’re a child, it’s easy to make friends. There’s the proximity thing—the people you go to preschool and elementary school with are going to become your friends—but there’s the added bonus that your parents do most of the work for you, arranging playdates and bringing you wherever they’ve decided […]
Five Ways to Make Friends as an Adult

Note: This post was submitted to Student Caffé by Abigail Golder; learn more about her work here. We would like to thank her for her submission and credit her as the author of this blog post.Maintaining a healthy love life in college can be challenging, but with a bit of dedication, […]
How to Maintain a Successful Relationship in College

College can be a major adjustment. Not only have you left the familiarity of high school, but you are in a new place, studying at a higher level, and have more independence than ever. You’ll likely be living on your own for the first time. Although you may keep in […]
10 Simple Ways to Make Friends in College

It’s the beginning of the school year, and for some, that means it’s time to make new friends. Both high schools and colleges inherently experience high turnover. Every year the senior class graduates and a newly admitted class comes in to replace their numbers. There are some students who are […]
Easy Conversation Starters That Could Lead to Friendship

Whether you’re headed off to college and your partner is still in high school, or you and your partner are headed to different colleges, or you met your partner on a study abroad program and want to continue the relationship after you both go back to your home countries, there […]
Long-Distance Relationships: Worth It?

By this time of year, couples have taken over campus. They stare lovingly into each other’s eyes at the dining hall. They walk hand-in-hand to the library. They sit a little too close to each other in class. If you’re single, you often can’t help but notice those happy couples. […]
Fun On-Campus Valentine’s Day Ideas for Singles

It’s the weekend before Valentine's Day, and you are starting to stress out. You are wondering how you can show your partner how much you care without breaking the bank. Don’t worry; you don’t need to dip into your savings account to pay for a fancy dinner, flowers, chocolates, and […]
Cheap Valentine’s Gift and Date Ideas Your Partner Will Love

Sometimes it seems like it’s easier to come up with unique date ideas when the weather is warm and sunny than when it is dark and cold. There’s also the fact that when it’s dark and cold, it’s hard enough to stay motivated enough to go to class, let alone […]
Winter Date Ideas for College Students: Beat those Winter Blues

So, you’ve been seeing someone new. You’ve passed the honeymoon stage and you’re onto the … Well, you’re not really sure what’s going on. They’ve stopped meeting you in between classes and the “Good morning” texts are infrequent. Naturally, you’re concerned that things are heading south. How can you deal […]
How to Deal With Uncertainty in a New Relationship

“Love is a many splendored thing. Love lifts us up where we belong. All you need is love,” said Christian in the film Moulin Rouge. But in reality, there are tons of other things you need before love. Those include honesty, respect, friendship, and a sense of safety. Unfortunately, many […]
How to Spot the Signs of a Toxic Relationship

Maintaining a healthy relationship takes work, but doing so long distance is a whole different ball game. How do things work out when one partner leaves to study abroad and the other is stuck on campus? A lot of times, they don’t work out at all. They flop right out […]
Is Your Relationship Ready for a Study Abroad Term?

The summer after I graduated high school, I fell head over heels for the boy next door. We had not only grown up around the block from each other, we were in the same kindergarten class. We didn’t really know each other until senior year, though. That summer was filled […]