
How to Decide between Two Colleges
Trying to decide between two (or more) colleges is a good problem to have. It means you have options, and you probably have a couple of good ones. If you’re excited by more than one of the possibilities within your reach, if you have to decide between two colleges, making […]

How to Decide between Two Colleges

Are test scores important? You are more than your scores.
In the fall of my junior year, we were sent to homeroom to collect our PSAT scores, and it was impossible to keep the results private. “What did you get?” everyone wanted to know, already comparing themselves to friends, classmates, famous people, and the “average student profile” on the websites […]

You Are More than Your Test Scores

Seven Ways to Perfect Your Personal Essay
Writing a college admissions essay is nobody’s favorite thing. The prompts are often vague. You have a word limit that seems way too short. You’re under an incredible amount of pressure to write a thoughtful essay that expresses your personality and showcases your writing abilities. The combination is downright unpleasant. […]

Seven Ways to Perfect Your Personal Essay

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