
Si has egresado satisfactoriamente de la universidad y sientes que es hora de conseguir un trabajo, o si aún estás estudiando y deseas probar cómo será trabajar en el área de tu especialización—o tienes que asistir a una entrevista para la pasantía que tanto has buscado y finalmente encontrado—estas claves para […]
Claves para una entrevista laboral

Most of us have a hobby or passion project of some sort. For some, it’s baking; for others, photography, woodworking, or fishing. Still others volunteer at the Humane Society on weekends or spend their free time reading to residents at retirement homes. If you’ve found your niche, how can you […]
How to Turn Your Hobby into a Résumé Boost

In college, you are required to declare a major, which is your primary subject of study. Your major will have certain requirements for courses you must take in order to graduate. Once you declare a major, typically by the second semester of your sophomore year, your path through college is […]
Are Minors Necessary?

Note: This post was submitted to Student Caffé by Alexa Riccardi Cabal. Alexa Riccardi Cabal is your new unofficial internship mentor. She lives in Orlando, FL working as a new hire onboarding training specialist, and she attributes landing her dream career to the takeaways and experience that she gained from […]
“I Want A Boring Internship,” Said No Intern Ever

Do you ever wonder how people decide to follow a particular career path? What makes some students choose to pursue engineering degrees and others education degrees? Some of the decision-making process is influenced by external factors, like parental expectations, job prospects, and location. Much of it, though, is internal. Do […]
Introducing Breakthrough Providence

Note: This post was submitted to Student Caffé by Marianne Hayes. Marianne is a longtime freelance writer and content marketing specialist. Since earning her degree in journalism and creative writing from the University of Central Florida, her work has been published in Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Good Housekeeping, Forbes, Yoga Journal, and […]
Six Do’s and Don’ts for Your First Day on a New Job

Traditional college programs emphasize critical thinking and abstract ideas. In contrast, vocational (or trade) programs focus on training participants on the technical skills necessary for certain jobs. If you're thinking of attending a vocational or trade school after high school graduation, you may already have an idea about what type of training […]
In-Demand Vocations That Are Hiring Right Now

As a high schooler working your first job or a college student trying to make some extra cash, you might be looking at positions that pay minimum wage. While some states have implemented laws that raise their minimum wage above the federally mandated $7.25 per hour, you’re unlikely to net […]
Lessons You Can Learn from Working a Minimum Wage Job

Extracurricular and academic experiences in college, like research opportunities, work-study positions, and service learning, can help shape your future career. Gaining experience in your intended field, though, may be the most valuable opportunity there is. It shows future employers that you’re serious about pursuing a position in the field, not […]
Co-ops (Cooperative Educational Experiences) in College

Nearly everyone has lost a job at some point in their life. Whether it’s due to a single mistake, a pattern that emerged over time, or changes within the company, it’s often an unexpected and painful event. Regardless of the details, there are things we can all learn when this […]
Six Lessons You Will Learn after Losing Your Job

We all know about career paths for positions we interact with regularly—we see actors in movies and on television, go to the doctor for regular appointments, and eat food cooked by chefs at restaurants. But many other jobs go unnoticed; out of sight, out of mind. Whether you’re wanting more […]
Seven Careers You Didn’t Know Existed

Note: This post was submitted to Student Caffé by Johanna Cider. Being a sociable person, Johanna loves delving into new destinations, trying the local food, and talking with people. In fact, she loves sharing stories with nearly everyone; visit Johanna’s blog, Musings of Johanna, to learn more. We would like to […]