Megan Clendenon

About Megan Clendenon

Megan C. is obsessed with Cincinnati-style chili, Louisville basketball, and Scandinavian crime fiction. She has lived in six different states and held 12 different jobs since beginning her undergraduate degree at Carleton College in 2008. The wanderlust abated somewhat in recent years, as Megan settled in Texas from 2013 to 2016 to finish a master’s degree in geosciences, write a thesis on the future horrors that stem from climate change, and get married. During her free time, you will find Megan sitting on the couch, cheering for her Louisville Cardinals, planning future adventures abroad, and snuggling with her dog, Tiger. She currently lives outside of Washington D.C.

The Lowdown on Test-Optional Colleges
If you follow education in the news, you may remember reading an article (or at least seeing an article title) about colleges implementing test-optional admissions policies or colleges dropping their SAT or ACT writing requirements. These articles are becoming more and more common as colleges across the United States changes […]

The Lowdown on Test-Optional Colleges

Why It's Normal to Feel Embarrassment
In a particularly memorable scene in Dirty Dancing, Johnny, the hotshot dance instructor at a resort, asks Billy, another resort staffer, why Baby, a resort attendee, is at a staff-only dance party. Billy tries to take credit and play it off as a date, saying, “She came with me.” Baby comes […]

Why It’s Normal to Cringe at Your Past Self