Health and Wellness

Hay varias maneras de despertar. Si eres joven, tienes fresco el recuerdo de haber sido despertado por tus padres para ir a la escuela durante la primaria o secundaria; y si eres madre o padre con hijos en edad escolar, tienes práctica en despertarlos y bien sabrás cómo reaccionan. Cada […]
¿Dónde está tu motivación al despertar?

There are lots of areas within your life that can cause undue amounts of stress: school, your social life, family, work… But while some stress for short periods is normal, stress that continues can have an adverse effect on your performance in school or at your job, or on your […]
How to Avoid Burnout in All Areas of Your Life

If you have a seizure disorder, you’ve likely known since you were a child. However, when you head to college you may find yourself meeting new people (friends, roommates, or classmates) with this condition. Find out what you need to know in order to keep everyone safe. What is a […]
Seizures and Seizure Disorders

Counseling, also referred to as talk therapy, is just what the name implies: a type of therapy during which you talk about your problems, emotions, and relationships. While there is a huge stigma around mental health in the United States and around the world, counseling isn’t just for people who […]
Why Everyone Should Get Counseling at Least Once in Their Life

Note: This post was submitted to Student Caffé by Nathan Barber of QuoteWizard. We would like to thank him for his submission and credit him as the author of this blog post. Heading to college is a stressful—yet exciting—time, and often the last thing on a student’s mind is their health […]
Health Insurance and College Students

Approximately 700,000 people in the United States, both men and women, are affected by Crohn’s disease. It’s an inflammatory bowel disease (not to be confused with irritable bowel syndrome) that can cause severe abdominal pain, gastrointestinal distress, malnutrition, and weight loss. While treatment can manage Crohn’s disease, there is no […]
Everything You Need to Know about Crohn’s Disease

The changes that come with the transition to college life, especially during freshman year, affect everyone differently. Whether you’re taking 12 credit hours or 18, working 20 hours per week or not at all, you might end up feeling overwhelmed. You’re surrounded by unfamiliar faces, new places, and may be […]
Six Ways to Cope if You’re Feeling Overwhelmed in College

Note: This post was submitted to Student Caffé by Paige Taylor. We would like to thank her for her submission and credit her as the author of this blog post.When you're a teenager struggling with the fact that a family member, friend, or someone close to you has an alcohol […]
Seven Benefits of Attending Alateen Meetings

Two forms of smoking have risen in popularity in recent years: hookah and e-cigarettes (electronic cigarettes). According to the 2016 Monitoring the Future survey, nearly 17% of college students and nearly 20% of young adults not in college reported trying hookah in the past year. While fewer young adults overall reported […]
The Health Risks of Hookah and E-Cigarettes

Sexual health is somewhat of a mystery to a lot of people. Whether this is because it’s not always taught (or taught consistently) in schools, because it’s uncomfortable to talk about with parents or other trusted adults, or because much of what teens learn about sex comes from the media, […]
Eight Myths about Sexually Transmitted Infections (and What’s Actually True)

You wake up with a pounding headache, your nose is running, and you start coughing into your coffee. You feel sick… should you go to work or class, or should you stay home?Not surprisingly, there is a lot of debate on this subject. About 25% of Americans go to work when they’re […]
How Sick Is Too Sick to Attend Work or Class?

It’s normal to feel down when the days are grey, the temperature hovers at or below freezing, and the forecast is bleak (six more weeks of winter, anyone?). It doesn’t help that sunset seems to happen at dinnertime, sunrise doesn’t seem to happen until lunchtime, and all of your daylight […]