
Preparing for college

The path to higher education starts way before your senior year of high school, often as early as your freshman year. These blog posts will cover the questions you have about finishing high school, the college admissions process, and financial aid. But not everything in this section is for high school students. You’ll learn about money management and standardized tests for prospective graduate students. Plus, we’ve thrown in a bit of history about higher education in the United States so you know what you’re getting yourself into. From finishing high school to paying for college, we have you covered.

The Lowdown on Test-Optional Colleges
If you follow education in the news, you may remember reading an article (or at least seeing an article title) about colleges implementing test-optional admissions policies or colleges dropping their SAT or ACT writing requirements. These articles are becoming more and more common as colleges across the United States changes […]

The Lowdown on Test-Optional Colleges

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