
Although I headed to college to earn my bachelor’s degree immediately after high school, as many do, I also returned to college later, as an adult, to work toward a master’s degree. I didn’t follow the traditional bachelor’s to master’s path, though.While an undergraduate, I’d started working as a therapist […]
My Experience as an Adult Student in an Online Degree Program

If you follow education in the news, you may remember reading an article (or at least seeing an article title) about colleges implementing test-optional admissions policies or colleges dropping their SAT or ACT writing requirements. These articles are becoming more and more common as colleges across the United States changes […]
The Lowdown on Test-Optional Colleges

As summer progresses, incoming college freshmen (and transfer students!) are getting closer and closer to orientation. At small colleges, orientation often occurs shortly before the start of the semester, maybe a week before everyone else arrives back on campus—you’ll meet your RA, move in to your dorm room, and have […]
How to Take Advantage of College Orientation

Al revisar vocabulario educativo con mis alumnos, claramente siempre surgen palabras tales como university, college, undergraduate, school, curriculum y demás. Las traducciones muchas veces suelen traer a confusión su correcta definición y como traductor de nuestra página web, me he dado cuenta de cuán diferentes nuestros sistemas educativos pueden llegar […]
¿Cuál es la diferencia entre College y University?

When it comes time to decide where to apply to college, there are many factors to consider. You’ll want to weigh the importance of location, family, cost, and your plans after graduation. Although not a comprehensive list (there may be additional questions you want to ask yourself when choosing a […]
Questions to Ask Yourself Before Choosing a College

On Monday we talked about the types of applicants that colleges are looking for. Yes, they want you to be well-rounded, but it’s more than that. Colleges are looking for well-rounded students about which there is something unique. Maybe you’re the student who has great grades and test scores, but also […]
The Dos and Don’ts of Your College Application

Applying for college is overwhelming, and the added stress of making sure that your application stands out is exhausting. How exactly do you show a school that you deserve to be admitted? This post shares what many schools are looking for and will be followed by a post on Thursday […]
What Types of Applicants Do Colleges Look For?

What is the LSAT? The LSAT, or Law School Admission Test, is an exam that is used to determine whether an applicant should be admitted to law school and has the ability to thrive as a law student. It consists of six 35-minute sections: one reading comprehension, one analytical reasoning, […]
Everything You Need to Know about the LSAT

Most students who are applying to college with a disciplinary history or criminal record would like to move forward with their lives, and they may feel frustrated or nervous when they come across questions about their backgrounds on their college applications. Students applying with the Common App, for example, might […]
Applying to College with a Disciplinary History or Criminal Record

Si estás estudiando inglés y organizando tu plan de estudios, inclusive si estás pensando en postularte a un plan de estudios en el extranjero o mejorar tus ofertas laborales, es importante que sepas elegir la certificación de inglés que mejor se adecúe a tu futuro ya que esto no solo […]
¿Qué certificación de inglés necesito?

The GMAT, or the Graduate Management Admission Test, is a standardized admissions test for prospective MBA students. Their scores on the test help business schools select which students they’d like to accept from the pool of applicants. So, if business school is on your mind, taking the GMAT (or maybe […]
Understanding the GMAT: A Test for Prospective MBA Students

If you’ve binge-watched Gilmore Girls like I have, you’ll know that for most of her life, Rory Gilmore wanted to go to Harvard. Her grandfather was opposed—he was a Yale man—and he did his best to convince Rory to follow his lead. When she began to show interest in Yale, […]